Vendor controls made easy

Aušra Mažutavičienė
Written by
Aušra Mažutavičienė
June 6, 2024

My Controls

You can find the "My Controls" section in the left-side menu of your Openli account. Here, you'll see default suggestions for Privacy, Security, and AI controls.

These default questions are provided for inspiration. You can add new or edit the questions to fit your needs.

These questions will appear in connection with each of your vendors:

  • Privacy Questions: Located at the top right of each vendor profile under "Your Controls and Assessments."
  • Security Questions: Found in the "Security Information and Certifications" sub-section. Click "Manage," then "Your Controls and Assessments."
  • AI Risk Assessments: Located in the "AI - Artificial Intelligence" sub-section. Click "Manage," then "Your Controls and Assessments."

They are your own internal controls and assessments.

My Controls will help you assess your vendors' privacy, security, and AI compliance and give you a better understanding of your own controls. You'll also be able to log date stamps and maintain an audit trail for each of your answers.

More to come - Beta users wanted

More exciting features are soon to come, including the ability to add all your suppliers. If you want to start using it and test it out, let us know.

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