Children’s personal data & privacy compliance

Children’s personal data & privacy compliance

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During this roundtable we’ll explore what privacy professionals need to consider in relation to compliant collection and processing of children’s personal data.

We’ll  discuss: 

  • The regulatory landscape
  • Standards for collecting children’s consent
  • Relying on other legal basis for children’s personal data processing 
  • Implementing compliant age-verification measures
  • TikTok’s fine from the Irish DPC this past September
  • Product/service offering review to ensure a company’s offerings are in line with applicable privacy laws.
  • How to write clear privacy notices for children.

This roundtable is moderated by Openli’s Head of Legal, Noemi Apetri, and we’ve invited Paula Pando de Hill (International Compliance Senior Analyst at Holland & Knight) to ignite the discussion and provide her insights on this important topic. 

As always with roundtables, this is a live members only event and no replays will be available.

Seating is limited so sign up now to claim your spot.