Data mapping - what to know and where to start

Data mapping - what to know and where to start

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Whether you're a new DPO or seasoned in-house pro, data mapping is such a critical task to do - and get right.

In this session, Stine will share her best insights and tips to data mapping, including:

  • different approaches to data mapping
  • common mistakes and pitfalls
  • relevant stakeholders to involve
  • and more.

After this session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to start a datamapping project in your prganization.

Sign up now to save your seat and feel free to share this event with a colleague who should join us.

About the Speaker

Stine Mangor Tornmark

See profile and other contributions

Stine is the co-founder and CEO at Openli, a tech B2B SaaS company focusing on helping companies get better control of GDPR. At Openli, she combines her legal and privacy knowledge with a passion for building software, helping companies make privacy transparent and thereby give people their privacy rights.

She has 10+ years of experience as a lawyer from Plesner law firm and Trustpilot. At Trustpilot, she built up Trustpilot’s Legal and Compliance teams and processes from when the company had one office with 70 employees to 850 employees across the globe.