Data Protection Impacts Assessments - what to keep top of mind?

Data Protection Impacts Assessments - what to keep top of mind?

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Let's discuss the intricacies of DPIAs, what to keep in mind and what not to do. Some of the key discussion points will revolve around:

  • Documentation and Accountability: Sharing insights on documenting DPIA processes and outcomes, establishing accountability measures, and integrating DPIAs as an integral part of organizational governance.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Discussing strategies for continuous monitoring and updating of DPIAs, recognizing the dynamic nature of data processing activities and the need for ongoing risk assessment.
  • Identifying High-Risk Processing Activities: Engaging participants in discussions on how to identify and categorize high-risk data processing activities within their organizations, laying the foundation for targeted risk mitigation strategies.

As always with roundtables, this is a live members only event and no replays will be available.

Seating is limited so sign up now to claim your spot.