Drafting Data Deletion Policy - insights & best practices

Drafting Data Deletion Policy - insights & best practices

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This roundtable we will explore the process of drafting robust Data Deletion Policies, emphasizing the importance of shared insights and best practices.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Regulatory Landscape: Collaboratively examining the ever-evolving regulatory requirements concerning data deletion, including GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant data protection laws.
  • Defining Data Lifecycle: Engaging participants in discussions on mapping out the complete lifecycle of data within their organizations.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Emphasizing the need for collaboration between legal, IT, and compliance teams to ensure that the Data Deletion Policy aligns with both legal requirements and technological feasibility.
  • Communicating with Stakeholders: Discussing strategies for transparently communicating data deletion policies to internal and external stakeholders, fostering trust and compliance.
  • Technology Considerations: Sharing insights on the role of technology in automating and facilitating the data deletion process, including tools and platforms that can enhance efficiency.'

As always with roundtables, this is a live members only event and no replays will be available.

Seating is limited so sign up now to claim your spot.