GDPR Advanced Training Course. Level 2 -Next level mastery

GDPR Advanced Training Course. Level 2 -Next level mastery

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**This course is part of our Premium Membership plan**

In this three part high-level training course we will help you master TIAs, the DPIA, data transfer mechanisms and more.

The training course will take you through:

  • TIAs
  • DPIA - Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Data Transfers mechanisms
  • and more

The training course will take place online in a virtual classroom. Each session will take an hour and will take place over the course of 3 days.  

When: September 24th, 25th and 26th at 2-3 opm CEST

Price: All course and workshop attendance is included in your yearly Premium Membership subscription.

Process: Once signed up, we'll check to see if you are on a Premium Membership plan. If so, you'll then receive a calendar invitation from us for the course dates with the event link in the description. If you haven't joined the Premium Membership, no worries - we'll send you the link so you can get signed up. Once we've seen your registration to Premium, you'll then receive the calendar invitations.

IMPORTANT: Remember that attendance for this course is only possible with a Premium Community Membership. If you haven't upgraded already, head on over to