How to succeed as a General Counsel

How to succeed as a General Counsel

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Are you ready for a value-packed discussion on how to succeed as GC?

We’re thrilled to be joined by the two powerhouse community members who are great at what they do; succeeding as General Counsels!

Kasper Heine is GC of Too Good To Go & Will Scrimshaw is GC of BenevolentAI. 

What To Expect 

In this one hour session, Kasper and Will will share their stories, insights and advice for how to succeed as a General Counsel; including how you can become a sparring partner and trusted advisor to the CEO and also what things they in hindsight would have done differently.

They will share:

  • Experiences from their careers 
  • Tips and tricks that have helped them 
  • What and how to prioritise 
  • How to become a trusted advisor to the CEO 
  • And much more…

We look forward to an hour with these two gentlemen! Sign up today and feel free to invite your colleagues and teams.