Data-driven marketing and predatory business models. A state of affairs and how to fix it.

Data-driven marketing and predatory business models. A state of affairs and how to fix it.

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In this masterclass, Jan Trzaskowski will discuss how human dignity as a fundamental right can corroborate the regulation of data-driven business models, including those relying on personalised marketing and targeted advertising.

It is suggested how our current legal framework can be informed by psychological, technological and societal perspectives to curb data-driven business models that infringe on human agency, social cohesion and democratic debate. It is argued that ‘paying with personal data’ is a misleading framing when, in fact, we pay with attention and agency - which are both scarcer and more precious than personal data and are also important in social and societal contexts.

For more than 25 years, Jan has dealt with legal and regulatory aspects of information technology and his research focuses on the protection of consumers and fundamental rights, including privacy. He was Head of the Danish delegation negotiating the 2000 E-Commerce Directive and this masterclass is based on his book ‘Your Privacy Is Important to Us! – Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing’.

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