Marketing Happy Hour

Marketing Happy Hour

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We’re thrilled to be hosting a monthly roundtable where you can discuss all things marketing. Every second Thursday of the month, you can now connect live with your peers and discuss whatever marketing matters that are relevant for you. 

Maybe you’re in the process of planning a privacy training for your marketing team? Would like to create a better report with your CMO? Or something entirely different - the floor is yours! 

As always, remember that roundtables are live, virtual events and no replay will be available. 

Limited seating: Please note that our roundtables have limited seating to ensure the best conditions for engaged discussion and interpersonal connection. In case of popular demand, we’ll create two simultaneous roundtable discussions, moderated by Stine and Ausra (our Privacy Director).

Once the event is at capacity, you’ll receive a calendar invite with the meeting link. But until then, please make sure to put it in your calendar as well.