Module 2: Data Processing Agreements

Module 2: Data Processing Agreements

Module 2 of the Privacy Series: Mastering your GDPR obligations

In this Module 2 of the Privacy Series, Niels-Peter Kjølbye will give you a thorough introduction to Data Processing Agreements: the requirements, the legal pitfalls, and what to consider from a commercial perspective.

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(Tied up in another meeting? Sign up anyway because we’ll be sending out a replay link to all attendees and no-shows).

The Privacy Series also contains Module 1: Introduction to RoPA and Module 3: After the DPA - ongoing vendor obligations


Openli Community is proud to announce that attending all three modules of the Privacy Series will count credits towards the compulsory further education for Danish registered attorneys, assistant attorneys, and attorneys from EU or EEA countries (Retsplejelovens §126,5). After attending all three masterclasses, please contact Charlotte at to receive your documentation of attendance.