Privacy Around the World: APAC

Privacy Around the World: APAC

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Openli Community is proud to introduce Privacy Around the World - a series of masterclasses where community members from all around the globe present the privacy legislation specific to their country/region.

In this masterclass, we welcome Willem Balfoort (Head of International Privacy at Stripe) for an introduction to APAC privacy compliance. The region being both vast and diverse in many aspects (including its privacy legislation), this masterclass will serve as an overall introduction - an “APAC Privacy 101” if you will. A birds-eye view of APAC privacy law, key elements to consider when doing business in this region (or when handling data of its citizens) and what to generally keep top of mind.

Sign up today and feel free to share this page with a colleague.

(Tied up in another meeting? Well, sign up anyway because we’ll be sending out a replay link to all registrants after the event.)

Which region or country to you want to learn about next? Email us at and let us know.