In this first episode, Stine breaks down her vision for the podcast as well as her path from fresh-out-of-school lawyer to CEO of Openli.
Get insights, learn from peers, life lessons from some of the most influential GCs. If it's related to inhouse legal, we cover it. For more inspiration, go to
So, this is the first episode.You heard why we have this podcast, and if you didn't, well, we have it because we want to inspire people working inhouse. We want to help the inhouse legal teams work smarter, scale, and learn from each other. This is what I hope you will get out of this podcast.
I am an attorney by background. I've worked six years at a big law firm where I had clients like Google and Netflix and HBO. And then I went inhouse,where I worked six years and built a team from myself, which really isn't a team, right? But ended up with a team a little below 50 people, and managing not only the legal team, but also the privacy team and the compliance team. Being a part of such a growth during six years, I learned a lot.
But I also struggled. I felt the pain of sitting, firstly, as just one person supporting sales, then growing the team, being across borders and having to manage a lot of stakeholders while also growing myself as a manager, as a senior member of the company. And I kind of always wished that there was somebody out there that could tell me if I was doing the right thing. Of course, I had a manager and he was amazing. Absolutely the best manager you could ever hope for. But I hoped to learn from others, I would love to know what Intercom was doing, what Airbnbwas doing, so I could get inspired and be even better at supporting the business.
Today I am a co-founder and the CEO of a legal tech company. And one day I was sitting and just looking around for more information about what to do, not in terms of the company, but just again, growing myself and I couldn't find anything. Then, I started talking to a few people in the legal community and they were sitting with the same feeling of not having somewhere they could go to find this information.
And I thought, we have to have a community, we should have a community.Why shouldn't we be sharing in the sameway as the product communities are doing, as the designer communities are doing, or the marketeers? And this is why we founded the Openli community. When we asked the community what they wanted, they wanted a podcast and this is what you're listening to now.
What we’re doing, if you didn't listen to the intro episode, is we're getting amazing, influential GCs on this podcast to share their life experiences, their insights, and we'll get them to talk about topics that are of interest to you listening in.
If you have anything sitting on top of your mind, where you're thinking, I would just love to know how people are usingKPIs; how you're measuring success of your inhouse legal team; how do you introduce legal operations; how do you best negotiate contracts at scale; what tools should I be using ifI want to increase my productivity;or what shouldn't I be using and how do I grow myself, not only asa trusted advisor, but maybe also as a manager?
Well, we want to hear from you. It's your needs, it's your wishes and your hope that we are trying to support. We want to support the inhouse legal teams and that's why we have the podcast. I hope you will be inspired. I already know that I am. Listen in and remember to subscribe so we can all learn from each other.
Thank you so much for listening to Inspiring Legal. Remember to subscribe and if you want more information, you can always go to