Auto blocking

The term auto-blocking refers to the action of blocking cookies automatically.

What is auto-blocking?

Auto-blocking is a method used to refuse access to any cookies that are not necessary automatically. As an internet user, you can set up auto-blocking on your computer either for specific cookies or for all cookies. Auto-blocking can be done through downloading specific software or in each web browser separately. If you decide to block all cookies, the only cookies that will gather information about you are the necessary ones used to keep products in your shopping cart, store your message history, and similar.

Is auto-blocking good or bad?

Auto-blocking has its advantages and disadvantages. The primary benefit is security and privacy. Blocking cookies automatically can ensure your information isn’t gathered and therefore shared or sold. On the other hand, one of the biggest cons is not having personalized content. Meaning, pages, products, and similar settings will not be managed automatically. For example, if you keep marketing cookies active on your search engine, there is a higher chance that the content you are searching for will appear because your search engine bases your current searches on your previous ones.

Website owners can set up auto-blocking on their websites as well, preventing third-party cookies from being set up on their websites automatically. But again, auto-blocking is not good nor bad. It can be advantageous for some businesses and not for others. Generally, if your website generates its leads or revenue from targeted marketing and advertising, auto-blocking could pose problems to your business model. Auto-blocking, in this case, could rapidly decrease the amount of data available for your marketing purposes. Additionally, to auto-block cookies, they must be identified. If the software you use for auto-blocking does not detect a particular cookie on your website, it might end up being set up on your website regardless.

What can your business do about auto-blocking?

The truth is, your business cannot do much about auto-blocking. Naturally, there will be customers who visit your page and will either have auto-blocking setup or will merely refuse your marketing and analytical cookies. After all, giving your customers a choice to not consent is your legal responsibility and their legal right. But you should not worry about it too much and here is why.

Providing your customer with the right information and allowing them to choose which cookies they consent to freely builds trust. It shows your customers that you are honest and care about their privacy. Consumer interest in ethical, legal practices and data protection is steadily increasing. Hence, non-compliant cookie pop-ups and shady UX tactics are unlikely to be overlooked. The continuous increase of fines for violations of GDPR further supports this situation. Our advice is to own a good-looking cookie wall that is legally compliant and impressed the customers.

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